Know Your Smartphone Camera Lens Type Supplement

Nowadays the art of photography not only be done by using a SLR or DSLR camera only. Quite simply to capitalize a smartphone, you can also produce good photographs. However, still photos taken using smartphone cameras is not necessarily as good as the photos taken using a professional camera.
As the development of technology, it's been a lot of smartphones equipped with a camera high bersolusi. It is certainly very suitable for those who have a hobby of photography. To enhance the images using the smartphone's camera so as not to lose good with kemara professional, you can equip your smartphone by using additional lenses. However, before deciding to buy additional lenses, you should find out in advance about the kinds of additional lenses for smartphones. Here are some additional types of smartphone camera lens.
1. Fish Eye Lens

Fish eye lens is a kind of wide angle lenses (wide angle) convex shaped objects that can capture images with an angle of 180 degrees and has a depth point Bisang (deptth of fields) that are almost unlimited. True to its name which means "fish eye" lens, this one can give a unique effect on the photo dhasilkan the round effects like fish-eye view Sepetti. Because it produces circular photo, fish eye lens will make the object as if it were living in a bubble.

2. Lens Telephoto / Tele

Photographing distant objects by using the zoom feature on your built-in camera samrtphone usually will make the images become blurry or rupture. That's because not all smartphone cameras equipped with high-quality digital zoom. Well, in order to get the photos remotely more quality, you can use additional lenses manifold telephoto / tele. Or can be called a telephoto lens with a zoom lens is berfugsi to get maximum focus when memotrt objects that are far enough away from the place taking photos. This lens-shaped binoculars long enough with zoom capability ranging from 8 times to 20 times zoom.

3. Macro Lens

Lens this one certainly is not foreign to photography enthusiasts. By using a macro lens, you can megambil objects that are small but with high detail. Macro lens serves to provide a focus on objects that are very close to the camera lens. This lens is extremely suitable for taking photos of very small objects such as insects.

4. Wide Lens

In accordance with its name. This one lens that can cover wide image angle lens so wide can enter a large area in one area of ​​the photo. Because daat reach area, then this lens is perfect for photographing scenery or landscape. On the use and sales, usually combined with a wide lens micro lens. So, you not only can shoot a large area, but also can memotrt small objects more clearly for their micro lens. You do not need to worry anymore because you just take pictures using the smartphone's camera. You can produce quality photos just like you are using an SLR or DSLR camera.Similarly, information about several types of additional smartphone camera lens. Hopefully this information is helpful to you.

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